epic life coaching

For those seeking

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What is your mountain?

The truth is that each one of us is meant to live an epic life; sometimes we only need a little support along the way. Epic Life Coaching is dedicated to empowering individuals to create the life they want, whatever that looks like to them.

Lets climb your mountain


Epic Life Coaching is a radical coaching practice supporting individuals in making big life changes


What our clients are saying

"I assumed coaching was going to provide me some additional organizational skills and some insight into my long-term goals, but when I started working with Elena, my eyes were opened. I didn't realize the barriers I had put up between my potential and my reality. Elena, through empathy, humor, and authenticity started to open doors and windows in my being that had been shut a long time, pulling back the blinds and letting the light in. I felt comfortable, connected, and challenged; the coaching trifecta! Elena introduced me to myself. For that, I am deeply grateful."

B.G. |  Washington D.C.

What we do

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Individual Coaching

1:1 sessions to uncover what's in the way of clients having their Epic Life; creating clarity and mapping out transformative changes in a client's professional life, personal life and beyond.

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Group Coaching

Small group coaching sessions allow for tremendous individual support, community building and powerful collaborative coaching sessions.

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Customized Offerings

Customizable workshops, speaking engagements and interactive facilitative coaching sessions designed to fit the needs of a client's team or organization regardless of the size.

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